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Jun Qiu, Mingwei Ma
Abstract: This paper firstly proves that the generalized syllogism HMO-3 is valid according to the relevant definitions, facts and rules, and then shows that at least the other 21 valid generalized syllogisms can be deduced from the syllogism HMO-3 with the common generalized quantifiers ‘most’ and ‘at most half of the’. The main con
Abstract       References PDF (353521 k) 15 Downloads     240 Views     DOI: 10.54647/dee470357
Open Access
Mingwei Ma, Qing Cao
Abstract: On the basis of set theory, generalized quantifier theory, and modal logic, this paper mainly focuses on the knowledge mining about generalized modal syllogism with the quantifiers in Square{fewer than half of the} and Square{no}. To this end, this paper firstly proves the validity of the non-trivial syllogism
Abstract       References PDF (301929 k) 22 Downloads     1623 Views     DOI: 10.54647/computer520416
Open Access
Theodore Walker Jr.
Abstract: The Biology of the Cell Surface (1939a) by Ernest Everett Just is focused on marine egg cells and egg cell surfaces. By observing, experimenting with, and theorizing about egg cells, and cell surface mediated co-operation with sperm, other cells, and environment, E. E. Just contributed to developmental biology, evolutionary
Abstract       References PDF (74452 k) 23 Downloads     1066 Views     DOI: 10.54647/biology180367
Open Access
Sarmad Abdulkhaleq Salih, Omar Ramzi Jasim
Abstract: The generalized modified Bessel distribution is one of the most suitable mixed distributions. It is the result of mixing the normal distribution with the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution.
In this paper, The optimal sample size Analysis has been taken from the generalized modified Bessel population to estimate
Abstract       References PDF (3144192 k) 25 Downloads     1027 Views     DOI: 10.54647/mathematics110484
Open Access
Dragutin Novosel, Petar Žuljević, Matija Alanović, Robert Žunac, Tina Bečić
Abstract: In a publication from 2015, Gaetano D. Gargiulo (1) describe a novel device for the ECG recordings with various parameters, which were used for the sophisticated analysis of the ECG recordings – in this particular, he analyse and discuss the concept of the Wilsnon Central Terminal (2), including as a minor topic the esti
Abstract       References PDF (112252 k) 23 Downloads     1092 Views     DOI: 10.54647/cm321265
Open Access
Atul Kapoor, Aprajita kapur
Abstract: Introduction: Alcohol and Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are the commonest causes of advanced chronic liver disease (ACLD) worldwide. Various imaging are commonly used in the diagnosis and follow up of these patients. Child Pugh and Model of end stage liver disease systems are used for survival and three
Abstract       References PDF (10766406 k) 20 Downloads     1112 Views     DOI: 10.54647/cm321260
Open Access
Zhongsheng Lee
Abstract: This paper shows that Mendeleyev's 2D periodic table of elements cannot accommodate 2787 isotopic elements. Only by constructing a "three-dimensional periodic law" can cover all the isotopic elements.
Abstract       References PDF (6374912 k) 21 Downloads     1401 Views     DOI: 10.54647/chemistry150363
Open Access
Feifei Yang, Xiaojun Zhang
Abstract: This paper firstly provides knowledge representations of Aristotelian modal syllogisms from the perspective of mathematical structuralism, and proves the validity of Aristotelian modal syllogism E⼞I◇O-4, and then by making full use of relevant definitions, facts, and some inference rules, formally derive other 30 valid moda
Abstract       References PDF (297251 k) 22 Downloads     1803 Views     DOI: 10.54647/philosophy720089
Open Access
Baoxiang Wu
Abstract: This paper firstly presents knowledge representations of generalized syllogisms, and then uses relevant facts and reasoning rules to conduct knowledge reasoning on the basis of the generalized syllogism MMI-3 with the quantifier ‘most’. The main conclusion is that there are at least the other 25 valid generalized syllogisms
Abstract       References PDF (112640 k) 24 Downloads     1828 Views     DOI: 10.54647/isss120347
Open Access
Peter Mantle
Abstract: Specificity of synthetic pheromone lures to trap plum and apple moth males is standard agricultural practice to predict timely application of insecticides to fruit trees. Compatibility of both lures in the same trap has long been accepted for capture of both in several two-moth combinations, but any specificity for their re
Abstract       References PDF (4778009 k) 35 Downloads     2284 Views     DOI: 10.54647/biology180365