DOI: 10.54647/cm32461 120 Downloads 5791 Views
The recognition of a cascade stomach, based on imaging, is not usually disputed by the clinician. Except for initiating therapy for reflux symptoms or for dyspepsia, a specific treatment is seldom required. Thus, a cascade stomach rarely attracts the interest of the gastroenterologist. Occasionally, more disparate features are described in a patient displaying a radiological upper gastroenterological series of this condition. It remains to prove that such symptoms represent coincidental, but non-specific features of the ailment. A patient diagnosed with a cascade stomach, who exhibited various upper abdominal complaints, the majority of which are not associated, as a rule, with this condition, is hereby reported.
cascade stomach; dyspepsia; reflux symptoms; distal esophageal spasm
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Daniel Benharroch, Roberto Umansky,
, SCIREA Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Volume 6, Issue 3, June 2021 | PP. 150-155.
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