The Ethical Dilemma of the Tunnel Problem and Its Solution
DOI: 10.54647/philosophy720102 15 Downloads 1505 Views
When faced with multiple dilemmas of moral choice, self driving cars often cause moral and legal problems that make people think deeply. When the self driving car is in such an unavoidable dilemma that it is necessary to hit people, it will be a puzzle whether it is utilitarianism to kill one person and save multiple people, egoism to kill others to protect itself, or altruism to sacrifice itself and passengers to save others. In order to deal with the complex tunnel problem caused by autonomous vehicle accidents, this paper will try to explore a variety of solutions from different moral algorithm theories to solve this problem.
automatic driving; ethical dilemma; tunnel problems; prisoner paradox; moral algorithm
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Weikang Zhu,
The Ethical Dilemma of the Tunnel Problem and Its Solution
, SCIREA Journal of Philosophy.
Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2024 | PP. 82-91.
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