Assessing the Insights of Community Forest Users on Scientific Forest Management in Community Forest of Nepal: A SWOT-AHP Analysis

Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2022     |     PP. 1-20      |     PDF (756 K)    |     Pub. Date: January 20, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/forestry22023    73 Downloads     1960 Views  


Prabin Pandit, Assistant Lecturer, College of Environment and Forestry, Biratnagar, Nepal
Pradeep Kunwar, Student, College of Environment and Forestry, Biratnagar, Nepal

Implementation of scientific forest management (SciFM) plan is gradually expanding in community forest (CF) of Nepal. Meanwhile insights of CF users regarding the management of CF with implementation of SciFM plan is still unidentified. In this study we used SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) methods in combination with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) to assess the insights. The results revealed that even with the presence of negative factors (weakness and threats) of SciFM, positive factors (strengths and opportunities) are outweighed. In addition, economically attractive, lack of appropriate technology and technical manpower, balancing growing demand of forest products and less supporting geography were the most important SWOT factors perceived by CF users. The findings suggest that SciFM in CF of Nepal is viewed as double-edge sword with challenges and benefits. Therefore, despite of the less focused of SciFM on environmental and ecological aspects of the CF, it is capable of ensuring immediate communities' benefits. Hence, uncertain benefits flow due to SciFM could disrepute the acceptability of SciFM by CF users in long run.

Community forest; management plan; silviculture system; SWOT–AHP

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Prabin Pandit, Pradeep Kunwar, Assessing the Insights of Community Forest Users on Scientific Forest Management in Community Forest of Nepal: A SWOT-AHP Analysis , SCIREA Journal of Forestry. Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 1-20. 10.54647/forestry22023


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