Open Science and Future Research Services for Air Transport
DOI: 10.54647/aa59045 112 Downloads 29030 Views
This study aims to identify pointers about future research services, applications, regulations and policies utilizing Open Science in air transport by collecting meaningful insights from the current scientific production activities of relevant European Technology Platforms and main influential organizations of key actors in this sector. The key actors are classified into three categories: (i) industry, (ii) research community and (iii) public authorities, and their different positioning is considered based on their attributes and roles. In particular, Technology Platforms stand for industry by involving representatives of DLR and HUMANIST and the main influential organizations stand for research community and public authorities by involving representatives of EATEO and UITP, respectively. The methodology used in a bottom-up mode, moving from scenes (specific situations or circumstances involving one or more actors) to scenarios (group of more scenes) and then to use cases (more scenarios applicable to different actors) that determine needs and objectives that Open Science could support in air transport sector. The different planning levels (strategic, tactical and operational) are considered and six competence areas (i.e., business modelling, environmental, legal/regulatory, socio-economic, technology and transport planning) set the basis of the systematic identification and analysis of use cases. Therefore, the main research trends are defined, research topics and the corresponding needs are provided as well as the proper recommendations are presented in an attempt to support future scientific work in the context of Open Science.
scenarios, use cases, needs, recommendations.
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G Pistilli, F Cartolano, M Fioretto, K Palts, A Akac, A Anagnostopoulou,
Open Science and Future Research Services for Air Transport
, SCIREA Journal of Aviation & Aerospace.
Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2021 | PP. 1-12.
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