2022 - War in Ukraine: ophthalmology in a state of emergency
DOI: 10.54647/pm31178 66 Downloads 107274 Views
Something no one believed would happen today: a war of aggression in the mid Europe. On February 24, 2022, we all learned better. Since then, Russia has been waging a brutal war against Ukraine and its people. Instead of submitting, Ukraine is fighting with all its might. Not only militarily, but also medically and scientifically. What does this mean for the current situation of ophthalmology in Ukraine?
Ophthalmology, Ukraine, War
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Sibylle Scholtz, Lee MacMorris, Achim Langenbucher,
2022 - War in Ukraine: ophthalmology in a state of emergency
, SCIREA Journal of Medicine.
Volume 6, Issue 3, June 2022 | PP. 41-47.