Lab-scale chromium electrowinning in a diaphragm-type cell: effect of anode material and the head between the catholyte and anolyte levels (Δh)

Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2022     |     PP. 1-14      |     PDF (3339 K)    |     Pub. Date: August 14, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/metallurgical45024    94 Downloads     1331 Views  


Cüneyt Arslan, Istanbul Technical University, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department 34469 Maslak / Istanbul, Turkey
Sebahattin Gürmen, Istanbul Technical University, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department 34469 Maslak / Istanbul, Turkey
Fatma Arslan, Istanbul Technical University, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department 34469 Maslak / Istanbul, Turkey
Ayşe Gamze Onuk Elçin, Istanbul Technical University, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department 34469 Maslak / Istanbul, Turkey

Turkey has a 6% share in the world of chromite mining and ferrochromium is the most important product in exports. The electrowinning of chromium metal follows the dissolution of chromium from chromite or high-carbon ferrochrome after its separation from gangue and metallic impurities. Although ferrochrome was found to be the most expensive starting material, the use of chromite ore is not practical because of the number of processing steps involved. Production of electrolytic chromium for Turkey becomes important because of having large reserves of chromite ores and producing an important amount of ferrochromium in the world. It is also one of the most important strategic and critical materials for nations. In the frame of electrolytic chromium production from domestic resources, laboratory-scale chromium electrolysis was conducted using a diaphragm-type cell. A synthetically prepared chrome-alum solution and different anode materials, such as pure lead, Pb-Ca-Sn alloy, carbon plate, pressed & sintered graphite, and IrO2-coated titanium anode were used. The fixed experimental conditions were: temperature of 52°C, solution pH:2.1, 750 A/m2 current density, and electrolyte concentrations of 40 g/L Cr and 90 g/L NH4+. Moreover, the head between the catholyte and anolyte levels (Δh) was also changed to examine its effect on the cathode morphology, which was characterized by the SEM analyses. The dimensionally stable IrO2-coated titanium anode was found to be the supreme electrode among those tested, in terms of both giving the lowest cell potential and yielding the least amount of Cr6+ in the anolyte.

Chromium, electrowinning, anode material, Cr(VI) concentration

Cite this paper
Cüneyt Arslan, Sebahattin Gürmen, Fatma Arslan, Ayşe Gamze Onuk Elçin, Lab-scale chromium electrowinning in a diaphragm-type cell: effect of anode material and the head between the catholyte and anolyte levels (Δh) , SCIREA Journal of Metallurgical Engineering. Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 1-14. 10.54647/metallurgical45024


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