Lessons Learned From Low-Crested Breakwaters Installation in North Coast of Java
DOI: 10.54647/hydraulic57026 70 Downloads 6863 Views
Beyond the boundary and design criteria of Low Crested Breakwater (LCB), the success of LCB applications largely depends on the layout of the breakwater installation. The configuration of LCB includes vertical and horizontal positioning. Vertical layout related to the peak elevation position of the structure to the sea level, both to Mean Sea Level (MSL) and High Water level (HWL). Horizontal layout connected with LCB installation related to the optimal distance from the shoreline, the length of the structure, and the width of the gap between LCBs. These three parameters determine sediment volume accumulated behind LCB. This paper presents a summary of field experiences that is expected to be useful for the development of LCB as one of the methods of coastal protection. The objective of developing LCB structure is to make LCB concept as preferred coastal structure that is applicable to all types of materials commonly used for coastal protection.
Low-Crested Breakwaters, geotextile tube, beach erosion, coastal protection, North Coast of Java.
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Lessons Learned From Low-Crested Breakwaters Installation in North Coast of Java
, SCIREA Journal of Hydraulic Engineering .
Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2021 | PP. 40-50.
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