Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2019     |     PP. 1-24      |     PDF (297 K)    |     Pub. Date: April 7, 2019
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PRAVEEN KUMAR NAGADESI, P. G. Department of Botany, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada - 520008, Andhra Pradesh, India.
B. KANNAMBA, P. G. Department of Chemistry, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada - 520008, Andhra Pradesh, India.

The objective of the present study was a comparative evaluation, the effect of extraction methods and solvents on the mycochemical, proximate composition, Total phenolic content, Total flavonoids content, Phenotipical characters in lignicolous fungi sporophore of Ganoderma lucidum and G. applanatum collected from different localities of district Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, India.in the present study, Sporophore extracts of water, Methanol, Ethanol, and Hydromethanol were prepared using ‘Green extraction’ methods such as Maceration Maceration water bath, and reflux assisted solvent extraction. The extracts and sporophore of lignicolous fungi was screened for Phenotypic characters by standard methods of identification, Mycochemical test and Proximate evaluation by Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, total phenolic content total flavonoid content was estimated by spectroscopic methods taking Gallic acid, Rutin as standards respectively. Ganoderma lucidum differs from G. applanatum in phenotypical characters. The solvent used for extraction and extraction methods played an important role on mycochemical, Proximate composition, Total phenolics and flavonoids content of G. lucidum and G. applantum powder extract. This proximate composition work aims at standardization of white rot fungi sporophore powder of G. lucidum and G. applanatum that will help to identify the genuine species and check for adulteration of sporophore powder available commercially. The Maceration water bath assisted extraction method is the best extraction method compared to maceration and Reflux extraction methods for all parameters studied in this work. The highest total phenol content was shown 111.18 mg GAE/g in G. lucidum 50% methanol extract prepared by water bath method. The G. applanatum showed better total flavonoid content when compared to G. lucidum. The highest total flavonoids content was shown 39.28 mg rutin/g in G. applanatum 50% methanol extract prepared by water bath method. Present study proves that the effect of extraction method and solvent influencing the mycochemical composition like total phenol content total flavonoid content in lignicolous fungi. The proximate composition evaluation is very much useful for standardisation of G. lucidum and G. applanatum in powder form.

Lignicolous fungi, Extraction method, Mycochemicals, Proximate composition, Ganoderma applanatum, G. lucidum

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