Socioecological outcomes from Community Forestry: Insights from Nepalese Stakeholders
DOI: 10.54647/forestry22019 87 Downloads 1616 Views
Community Forestry (CF) resources possess huge potential for better ecological outcomes to enhance the society’s livelihoods world wise. This is achieved only when a Community Forestry Management Plan (CFMP) is designed and actively operated at the local community level. The outcomes of several researches have revealed with the vested interests of the Proficient stakeholders to incorporating in designing of the CFMP.
The study aims to identify the local stakeholders’ perspectives of the adoption of recent CFMP in regards to their engagement process in designing, development and implementation practice of CFMP that closely related to their livelihoods in terms of on a long-term perspective to conserve the productivity of the waters, soil, impact on crop productivity and reduce the local impact on the natural environment and people's health.
Random sampling was used to collect 31 CFUGs and 310 households from study sites Siraha, Saptari and Udaypur Districts, Nepal. A two-tail t-test assuming unequal variances was conducted to analyse whether the paired groups are statistically different between each set. A binomial logistic regression that indicates the probability that an observation falls into one of two categories of a dichotomous dependent variable based on one or more independent variables.
The descriptive correlated variable were perceived as positively significant (57.1%) whereas biodiversity conservation negatively significant (34.9%). The statistical finding of regression analysis forest area per household and broadleaf forest type were statistically significant and the socioecological variables including number in household, agricultural area owned, age of household head, gender, and domestic animals variables were also statistically positively significant.
The descriptive and regression analysis findings were shown that end-user households received some extant adequate benefits of ecological. When the proposed conceptual model (B) plan will be implemented, it provides critical information to the policy makers and forest managers for designing targeted, appropriate CFMP across regions to improve Community Forestry outcomes in terms of the ecological outcomes that make for good CF governance.
Ecological, socioecological outcomes, proficient, societal, CF Governance, CFMP, CF outcomes
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Dr Bhagwan Dutta Yadav, Dr Krishna Kumar Shrestha, Bishnu Prasad Acharya,
Socioecological outcomes from Community Forestry: Insights from Nepalese Stakeholders
, SCIREA Journal of Forestry.
Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2021 | PP. 1-28.
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