Optical Surface Plasmon Resonance Monitoring in a High Salinity Environment for Long Duration Sensing Applications
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Optical sensing modes such as Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) are here applied to the detection surface induced processes and surface corrosion. Our recent studies have investigated the noble metals: silver, copper and gold. We present here results for silver sputter deposited films, with a sputter deposited chromium adhesion layer for exposure to a corrosive environment of standard saline solution over two months. Initial sensor design was achieved using a formalism of Fresnel’s optical equations for a uniaxial multi-layered media. Changes in metal film optical properties were measured using the Kretchmann-Raether experimental optical configuration. The study found that after films were exposed to standard saline solution, their reflectivity and relative permittivity changed, detectable as a shift in the minimum angle and shape of a SPR reflectivity curve whilst the thickness of the silver film was uncorroded.
Metal Corrosion, Surface Plasmon Resonance, Permittivity Changes
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Christopher Lavers, Alistair Cree, David Jenkins, Nasih Salah, Matthew Findlay, Ian Hooper,
Optical Surface Plasmon Resonance Monitoring in a High Salinity Environment for Long Duration Sensing Applications
, SCIREA Journal of Metallurgical Engineering.
Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2018 | PP. 1-12.
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