Trajectory Control of a Variable Loaded Servo System by using Fuzzy Iterative Learning PID Control
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In this study, trajectory control of the Variable Loaded Servo (VLS) system is performed by using a Fuzzy Logic based Iterative Learning Control (ILC) method. In the study, a Iterative Learning PID (IL-PID) Controller is used as the iterative learning control structure. Also, a fuzzy adjustment mechanism has been added to the control system for specify the initial parameter of the IL-PID controller. So, with combining the fuzzy logic based parameter adjustment mechanism and the IL-PID controller, Fuzzy Iterative Learning PID (Fuzzy IL-PID) controller is designed to improving the system performance. In the designed system, thanks to the fuzzy adjustment mechanism, the IL-PID controller parameters such as Kp, Ki, and Kd values are automatically adjusted to the appropriate values initially. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy IL-PID controller, trajectory control of the variable loaded servo system was performed by using both Fuzzy PID and Fuzzy IL-PID control methods under the same conditions separately, and the obtained results were compared. It is seen from the results, the proposed Fuzzy IL-PID control method is to better compensate the system effect as time varying loads and has reduced the steady-state error more than other method in iterations progresses.
Fuzzy PID control, Fuzzy IL-PID control, Trajectory control, Variable loaded servo system
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Omer Aydogdu, Mehmet Latif Levent,
Trajectory Control of a Variable Loaded Servo System by using Fuzzy Iterative Learning PID Control
, SCIREA Journal of Electrics, Communication.
Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2016 | PP. 85-98.
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