Optimal design of Sewer network using Cellular Automata
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In this paper, the General Cellular Automata (GCA) method is proposed for the optimal design of sewer network problems with the fixed layout. The network nodes and upstream and downstream pipe cover depths are considered as CA cells and cell states, respectively, and the links around each cell are taken into account as neighborhoods. The updating rule is derived mathematically from the original objective function of the problem. The proposed method is a general and flexible method for optimization of sewer networks as it can be used to optimally design both gravity and pumped network due to the use of pipe nodal cover depths as decision variables. The proposed method is tested against three gravitational sewer networks with different sizes and the comparison of results with other methods such as Cellular Automata, and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method.
Pumped Sewer Network, Cellular Automata, Optimization methods
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Optimal design of Sewer network using Cellular Automata
, SCIREA Journal of Hydraulic Engineering .
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016 | PP. 1-17.
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