Volume 1, Number 1 (2023)
Year Launched: 2023
Previous Issues

A value-critical policy analysis of Ghana’s Human Trafficking Act (Act 694) as amended: Implications for Social Welfare Practice

Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2023     |     PP. 1-24      |     PDF (208 K)    |     Pub. Date: November 21, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/ajsw3211001    54 Downloads     84315 Views  


Kingsley Saa-Touh Mort, Department of Social Work University of Ghana P.O. Box LG 419, Legon, Ghana
Mac-Donald Akolbire Adabere, University for Professional Studies, Accra, Ghana
Abdul-Hamid Karim, Attorney General and Ministry of Justice, Accra, Ghana

Human trafficking is a global problem that affects several millions of people. This paper presents the Chambers and Wedel (2009) value-critical approach to social policy and program analysis of the Human Trafficking Act, 2005 (Act 694) of Ghana, herein referred to as “the Act.” The analysis establishes alignment between the goals and objectives and a fit between the design and the social problem. However, several benefits and services including the provision of trafficked centres, admission of victims to centres, the conduct of assessments to determine risks to safety, assessing immediate and long-term needs, provision of material needs to victims, and the provision of services such as counselling, rehabilitation, adult literacy, and a programme aimed at skills development and training are limitedly implemented consistent with the requirements of the law. This is because the financing mechanism in the Act remains inadequate towards fulfilling the objects of the law and the political will remains a missing piece. This paper contributes to the understanding of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of promoting gender equality and decent work and economic growth. The paper calls for greater public awareness and resource allocation to issues of human trafficking in Ghana.

Human Trafficking Act of Ghana, trafficking in persons; human trafficking; value-critical approach, implications for social welfare

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Kingsley Saa-Touh Mort, Mac-Donald Akolbire Adabere, Abdul-Hamid Karim, A value-critical policy analysis of Ghana’s Human Trafficking Act (Act 694) as amended: Implications for Social Welfare Practice , American Journal of Social Work. Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2023 | PP. 1-24. 10.54647/ajsw3211001


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